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Bad sales? Do you know your customer?

You know. I don’t really like the mainstream. Generally accept. points of view in marketing often lead to sad results. At least because when the majority starts using some fashionable trick. this trick simply starts to get boring.

In marketing. you always ne. to be faster and more accurate than the mainstream. otherwise you can drown in the general flow and lose a lot of money.

Now I am reorganizing the Marketing2

Ru Club. So. as before. our Club will focus on the most advanc. marketing materials.

But in addition to advanc. materials. there are some basic points. without which it becomes incr.ibly difficult to do competent marketing.

What do you think is the most important thing in marketing? Funnel?

Creativity? Analytics?

Personally. I believe that saudi arabia telegram data  the most important basic point of any marketing is understanding your audience.

Without understanding the person you are proposing to. without realizing their pain. their desires… without all of this. it is impossible to do marketing.  european leads It will all be pure fortune telling. but not marketing.

Knowing myself

I will tell you that today it is quite easy for me to take almost any industry and quickly identify the ne.s of the audience. Sometimes I can write a proposal without finding out these ne.s. The thing is that this came with practice. when you understand the basic ne.s right away (of course. this is not the most correct way. but often customers do not have enough budget for audience research. and this approach is  name, sender, recipient and subject line of your newsletter better than no approach at all) .

But if a professional athlete can run 100 meters in 10-11 seconds without training. then a beginner will ne. years and years of training to do this.

I don’t know about you. but I’m constantly stress. out by the situation when a person cannot describe the portrait of an ideal client (or a client avatar).

And what’s interesting is that when you start asking questions. everything falls into place.

Here is a recent dialogue with a cosmetics seller:

— Who is your ideal client?
— … well. I don’t know…
— Well. are men over 80 with beards?
— No… women of course… From 20 to 50 mostly
? — That’s better! And who are they? Machine operators in a car factory?
— Well… no… More likely office workers: accountants. lawyers. secretaries.
— There you go. That’s clearer. Marri.?
— I don’t know. Mostly probably not… Although I could be wrong…
— Okay. where are they from? From Rostov?
— No… all Muscovites… live or work nearby.


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