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Many ideas and many challenges for a sector currently

If I had to summarize the round table that we organized during the third day of FORUM PA! I would undoubtedly use these three words. in great ferment and in evident transformation such as that of the Public Administration which! in the last year and a half! has had to adapt to meet the needs of citizens and thus improve the experience offered.

Technological Innovation and Digital Transition

Never before have we been talking about nurse database digital and innovation! the heart of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan approved just a few days ago by the European Union. On the other hand! the decision with which the Minister for  Vittorio Colao is pushing the use of the Cloud in the PA seems to be the key. Salesforce is certainly one of the companies that has innovated only thanks to the cloud since its birth (21 years ago!).

The pandemic has represented a real positive

Today we are the leading company in CRM ! where the C of Customer becomes C of Citizen when talking about Public Administration. “Although digital is not in our country’s DNA! things are finally changing!” said Andrea Rangone! Full Professor of Digital Business at the Politecnico di Milano and President of Digital360 . “ ‘electroshock’ for Italy as the new awareness of digital would never have existed otherwise.

The word to the trailblazers

The pandemic has therefore unleashed the best of our resources! today there are all the conditions for a further acceleration on the issue also in the PA sector”. the story of ISTAT! Roma Capitale and LAZIOcrea An excellent example of digital acceleration in this sector was given to us by Massimo Fedeli! Central Director for Information Technologies at ISTAT ! who underlined how nowadays citizens are used to communicating using multi-channels and therefore an Administration in step with the times must necessarily adopt this type of approach by activating all contact channels.

But what has ISTAT done in concrete terms?


“The most relevant issues are those concerning what are gamified pop ups? interaction. In this! having implemented the Salesforce Cloud platform is fundamental when we activate our investigations and involve citizens. Equally important is the coordination between the departments involved! namely those of statistics! communication and information systems! therefore an organizational intervention was also made to activate structured processes and facilitate faster and quicker interactions with the citizen himself”.

With these words Paola Di Maio

“When we started working on the burkina faso leads CRM of Roma Capitale! we started to think about the needs of citizens! which is why the issue of trust is absolutely central for us” .  CRM & Brand Strategy Manager of Roma Capitale! told us about the leap in quality made by the Capitoline administration thanks to a proactive approach. “The launch of the project was the starting point and not the arrival point.


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