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Consumers prefer to invest in garments with higher quality

This translates into the great importance that new generations today attribute to value for money , a priority in purchasing decisions for 73% of the sample interviewed.  (54%) and designed to last over time (45%). The trend of buying pre-loved products , or second-hand, is thus gaining ground . And although the phenomenon mainly concerns the new generations, it will not be a passing fad, but a trend that is destined to remain.

The real paradigm shift comes

The survey data shows that 69% of consumers ig database are willing to pay a premium price to buy second-hand clothes verified by brands , thus contributing to the circular economy. Sales assistants become the new influencers  with the new role of sales assistants , who with the pandemic have become real virtual personal shoppers capable of guiding the customer in the online purchasing process and thus allowing them to generate a much stronger connection and bond with the brand.

The figure of the sales assistant

Through dedicated online sessions, consumers have had the opportunity to receive special attention.  has become a 360-degree relationship figure , a person who has knowledge of the brand and the customer himself. Today’s sales assistants are people who have learned to know us deeply, many of them even entered our homes during the lockdown thanks to dedicated shopping sessions, providing us with targeted suggestions based on what our wardrobe and furniture were.

Safety is the new standard

We are experiencing a cultural shift from B2C (business to consumer) to H2H (human to human) : at a time when technology manages interactions, it is important that the relationship takes place between people. Attention to safety and hygiene measures has grown steadily since the beginning of the pandemic and has become a new necessary standard. Consumers are reassured by the presence of sanitizer dispensers and limited access in small spaces.

Gamification mechanisms when shopping online

However, for clothing stores, one crucial best new year popup ideas for your holiday campaign issue remains: the fitting room for trying on clothes. A technology worth investing in is definitely virtual try on , recognized by 48% of consumers interviewed as a technological solution capable of meeting all their security requirements: it facilitates purchasing from home and in-store by providing a safer digital experience with fewer returns, which are always a cost. More services, less entertainment  actually have little appeal to consumers, who primarily seek a simple and fast shopping experience.

Technology must benefit the service

It is worth asking whether gaming burkina faso leads apps are an efficient tool for increasing conversion or simply remain a fun way to engage customers and increase brand awareness. everything else, from gamification tools to augmented reality, is secondary. For the consumer, service comes first , such as the possibility of making a return easily (29%), fast delivery (25%) or the possibility of trying the item at home before making the payment (14%).


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