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Manual correction of 7518 sites by our experts (free for customers)

The automated checks did a great job, Manual correction but we went one step further. After a server upgrade, our engineers would open up virtually every site hosted on it to make sure they were up and running. Of those, they identified 7,518 websites with issues, which they then manually fixed in due course after the migration.

804 sites provided with time extension (at our expense)

All of our automated and manual morocco phone number library checks left us with an incredibly low number of sites that were incompatible with the new MySQL version: less than 0.001% of all sites. For these customers, we provided a custom server setup where they could run MySQL 5.7 for an additional two months, giving them enough time to resolve significant query incompatibilities and prepare for the new version. We believe that each of our users should be given the opportunity to receive the best service, so at this time we absorbed the cost of maintaining the old version on additional servers.

An efficient server update program paid off with quick problem resolution

One of the internal challenges during swot analysis helps companies make strategic the process was to schedule the server upgrade so that we had enough people to not only address potential issues, but also to successfully complete the upgrade in the shortest amount of time possible. Based on our stats from the test runs, we could predict how many sites would have issues per server and therefore know how many servers to schedule and how many technicians to staff so that we could resolve issues quickly. At one point, our process was so efficient that we successfully upgraded up to 180,000 sites in 24 hours!

Timely and honest communication with customers

Those of you who have been beb directory customers for a while know how much we value transparency and clear communication when it comes to events that impact your websites. This upgrade to MySQL8 was no exception. We notified each customer at least seven days in advance of the transition, informing them of the day and time we would be updating their sites (always during non-business hours based on their location).

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