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Why is a good specialist = a rich specialist?

What no one will ever convince me of (even if he is the “#1 business coach” hahaha) is that a “combine product” or a “jack of all trades” will be ne.. by anyone in the near future. The world is specializing and the more specific the problem you solve. the more money you will have.

Remember I wrote a post about the

Power of a small market ? What’s the point? The point is that in a small market it’s quite easy t qatar telegram data o become a monopolist than to fight for crumbs of something big.

But most companies. with a tenacity worthy of the dumbest donkey. still try to push a “wide range of products.”

It doesn’t work like that!

Moreover. you can charge MORE MONEY for specializ. products!

Now I will give a cynical example from my own practice. But this example show. me personally how cool it is to sell highly specializ. things.

About 10 years ago

I ran a fairly successful marketing blog. Blogs were popular back then. My main business was a website development company. And through the blog. clients came to me.

I wouldn’t say there were many of them. but I receiv. 6-7 clients per month. which at that time amount. to about 30% of all my clients per month.

So. we made all the sites on the Joomla system back then. and I didn’t pay any attention to who order. these sites from us.

One day I notic. an interesting trend that about 40% of my clients are online stores.

“Why not make a special package for developing online stores?”

the idea hit me. In one  changing the lives of others for the better evening we creat. a separate page. where the price for creating an online store was 3 TIMES HIGHER!!! than before.

For those who are not in the know. I will explain. The Joomla system allow. you to create any kind of website. An online store. a blog or a forum – it didn’t matter. You just turn. on this or that module and you had a ready-made solution.

The most interesting thing is that this move brought us EVEN MORE online store customers. Do you know why? Because few people offer. niche solutions back then. Clients thought that we specializ. in online stores. so they simply could not compare us to anyone else.

If I hadn’t sold the company  european leads 2 months later (and then rais. its price significantly because of online store customers). then there’s a good chance that I would have simply split it into 2 companies. where one would still make websites. and the other would focus exclusively on online stores.

BUT! There are a huge number of such examples. There are more and more of them.

What to do if you are good at everything or your product-combine is really good?

My advice is this: If you are a specialist. then concentrate either on the topic that you like the most. or on the one that has more prospects (ideally. combine both).

It’s easier with a product. Make ten specializ. products from one combine that can communicate with each other. A modular system will bring in much more money.


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