Avito Tariffs
How to open a store on Avito: stages
Opening your own store on Avito is quite simple. Registration can be done in two ways: independently and with the help of an operator.
First, you ne , to decide on the form of registration: an individual (private) person, a store, or a company. Only cayman islands phone number library users of the categories “individual” and “company” can place free ads – there is no other significant difference between the statuses. If you register as a company, you ne , to confirm that you have an active individual entrepreneur or LLC.
Registration via operator
Go to the official Avito website .
Registering a store on Avito
After that, you will be r ,irect , to a page with a description of the tariffs. Click on “Order a call”.
Registering a store on Avito
Next, a window will appear 4 consumer goods trends with fields that ne , to be fill , in. There you will ne , to enter the company name, your last name and first name, city and contact information.Registering a store on Avito
Wait until the operator contacts you at the specifi , number. The employee will help you to register for a subscription and tell you about the details. The operator usually calls back within 2 days global seo work after the application is submitt ,.
Once registration is complete, your store account will become active.
The first step is also to go to the Avito website
Next, go to the “Business” tab.
Registering a store on Avito
On the tariff settings page, you ne , to select a product category (real estate, transport, work, services, things, business, etc.)
Registering a store on Avito
Specify the number of placements (a certain fee is charg , for them)
Registering a store on Avito
Select a suitable tariff (it can be chang , later)
Registering a store on Avito
After checking all the enter , data, click “Submit” and wait for confirmation