On this platform, you can easily create and enter a store. Users (sellers) have the opportunity to create product catalogs and indicate prices for products. And buyers can easily choose the offers they like, contact representatives and purchase goods.
How to open a store on Avito? We will tell you about it in this article.
Target audience
Shop on Avito
How to open a store on Avito: stages
Registration via operator
Avito Pro
Promoting a store on Avito
Target audience
According to statistics, Avito chile phone number library users are distinguish , by good solvency and freely use the Internet. Potential buyers are mainly young people. This also increases the success of doing business on Avito.
Most often, users of this platform make purchases from individuals, but sales from companies are also at a high level. Therefore, a store on Avito can become a profitable business.
Shop on Avito
Shop on Avito
For companies, product placement is paid. There are also different store tariffs: basic, extend , and maximum. The consumers prefer to invest in garments with higher quality latter allows you to brand products, which significantly increases the recognition of the company. In addition, sellers can promote their products using the special functionality of the site.
Avito provides users with statistics: global seo work number of views, additions to “Favorites”. This allows you to track the demand for a certain product or service.
How much does it cost to open a store on Avito? It depends on the chosen tariff, as well as on the purchase of additional promotion tools.