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Plato, thus, is pointing in a direction that many years later Marshall McLuhan (although with a different mood and, of course, from another historical and cultural matrix) would also travel when theorizing about the mia. II Writing is a mium, and as such, it generates an undeniable impact on the way we approach reality and represent it . The phonetic alphabet, typical of Western culture, the written word and the invention of the printing press, which allow the massification of the book, are aspects whose confluence in the mid-15th century determin in a hegemonic way the transmission of cultural content and the establishment of a peculiar way of perceiving the world. Seek His Own Interest He  But this scenario – and this is one of the core ideas of McLuhan’s conception – has been radically transform after the emergence of electronic means of communication and information. Marshall McLuhan, the famous…

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Pharus or Beauty. Is a famous dialogue. Written by Plato. In addition to the central theme announc through the title of the work, some of its passages are also dicat to addressing the issue of the transmission of knowlge and the role that writing plays in this. The philosopher of the Academy, bringing up a myth of Egyptian origin, gives an account of the harm that comes with the use of this mium. Plato is convinc that true knowlge, that knowlge that would lead the philosopher to the august contemplation of archetypal ideas – those that constitute the true, imperishable and eternal world – cannot be transmitt through writing, since it cannot It is but a sum of inert characters that only Inflate Itself He Does Be formulat by someone who reads what is written. This is one of the reasons why plato uses dialogue as an exemplary means of…

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God, the soul and the universe conceiv as a totalizing idea. Thus, under the label of ontology, the disquisitions undertaken by philosophers dicat to treading the misty territories of being were delimiting a philosophical discipline with its own name, giving rise to the formulation of various theories about fundamental objects using a specializ conceptual lexicon, and, at the same time, they consolidat the flight towards transcendent planes following the route that was indicat by that ancient and equivocal meaning concentrat in the expression “metaphysics”, since, in effect, those investigations strove to reveal the deep structure of what exists, giving life to entities that no longer referr to the world “down here”, but, with increasing insistence, Has No Jealousy It Project themselves beyond the mundane boundaries to apprehend, without further ado, the essence of entities that presumably constitut “the most real », but which could not be access using the senses.…

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In the middle of the 16th century. Johann Clauberg would use for the first time the term. Ontology” (from the Greek ὄντος (ontos): what is, what exists): this notion is found in the prologue of his book. Elementa philosophiae sive ontosophia , publish in 1646. From then on, this term would be us profusely and works such as Ontologia, sive de ente in genere , by Jean Le Clerc, would appear in 1692, and later, in 1729, Christian Wolff would persist in its use by publishing Philosophia prima sive Ontologia (Marías, 1954). Proposes Love Is Patient and With the advent of this new term, a little more confusion was add to the scenario in which the problem of metaphysics was deploy, since under the same name the reference to the transcendent ins and outs of the world (cosmology), the soul (psychology) persist. rational) and the supreme entity (theodicy), these entities…

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vOf everything that exists. A science that was systematically integrat by those principles would constitute the “first philosophy”, that is, a type of paradigmatic knowlge, a supreme knowlge that would embody full wisdom. Thus, an expression that only referr to the position occupi by some writings comes to designate the type of knowlge that aristotle identifi with the maximum knowlge in the hierarchy of human knowlge . « ta meta ta physica » was contract by use and at some point in history it became simply «metaphysics»: a term that would begin to make history. Practice of Paul of Tarsus  The passage of years, centuries and millennia, and the discursive traffic that philosophers generat, would bring about a transformation in this concept. At some point in history, the word “metaphysics” began to designate a certain philosophical discipline that was only concern with studying the categories referring to the different orders…

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Databases are an essential component of modern-day applications, and they store some of the most sensitive information in the world. From personal identification numbers to medical records, databases hold a vast amount of data that needs to be kept safe and secure. Unfortunately, there are many cases where databases are abused, leading to the exposure of this sensitive information. In this article, we’ll explore what special database abuse is, the impact it can have, and how to avoid it. Special database abuse refers to the unauthorized access, modification, or destruction of data stored in a database. This type of abuse is often carried out by insiders with legitimate access to the database, such as employees or contractors. Special database abuse can also be carried out by external attackers who manage to gain access to the database through vulnerabilities in the application or infrastructure. The impact of special database abuse can…

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When creating a guide Tips Conclusion Why instructions are useful Consider your target audience before you start writing instructions. Restart your smartphone to complete the update installation. The desired action is to press the reset button; the desired result is that the update installs successfully. A good guide has two key characteristics that describe the algorithm of the user’s actions step-by-step. A detailed description of each item depends on the knowledge level of the reader. Short how-to guides give specific For experts brief instructions are appropriate; for inexperienced users the guide is as detailed as possible. The result is concrete. Users follow the Latest Mailing Database advice and achieve the desired goal to make a cake, set up a router or create their own online store on the free engine. What else do you need descriptions to help readers solve problems or get answers to their questions; allow website owners…

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Most e-commerce business owners have one simple goal: to maximize sales and make as much profit as possible. Given the current abundance of opportunities in today’s digital-driven business landscape, more sellers are struggling to improve their performance and scale their operations, especially when it comes to conversion rates. As the average consumer continues to grow more particular about convenience and the bar for satisfaction increases, it’s becoming increasingly clear that landing a conversion is no easy task. Lazada sellers, in particular, have experienced a greater degree of difficulty with landing conversions as the average number of competitors they have to compete with continues to grow.  List of contents Landing conversion challenges as a Lazada seller With over 300 million SKUs on Lazada Latest Mailing Database alone, seller-owned products will have at least some alternatives to fight against. This is an e-commerce feature that explains the difficulties sellers have on the platform. Given the fact…

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If you’re a database administrator or developer, you probably know that managing and optimizing your database can be a daunting task. However, with the right set of skills and techniques, you can make your database faster, more efficient, and more reliable. In this blog post, we’ll share ten special database tricks that your competition may know, but you don’t. Use stored procedures Stored procedures can improve database performance by reducing network traffic and optimizing query execution. Use triggers: Triggers can automate database tasks and enforce data integrity rules. Use indexes: Indexes can speed up query performance by allowing the database to quickly find the data it needs. Use partitioning: Partitioning can improve query performance by dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable parts. Use materialized views: Materialized views can improve query performance by storing the results of a query in a separate table, allowing for faster data retrieval. Use…

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The Japanese railway system Japan’s passenger rail system is so well-developed , punctual, extensive, and diverse that you can take it for granted that there will always be a train to take you where you want to go. The first thing you should know is that the train lines in Japan are not operated by a single company. Japanese National Railways , a government-owned company, used to be in charge of the entire railway network in Japan, as well as everything related to it. However, in 1987, the JNR was privatized and divided into 6 independent railway companies : Together they form the Japan Railways Group  or JR Group The JR Group owns about 80% of the railways , but the Latest Mailing Database rest are privately owned companies. For this reason, you will see that some lines that go in the same direction have different rates. This is because…

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As a database administrator, I am always looking for ways to improve the performance and efficiency of the databases that I manage. Recently, I came across a simple yet effective lesson that helped me improve my special database in just one easy step. The lesson I learned was to regularly analyze and optimize My database indexes. Indexes are critical components of any database, as they help to speed up the query execution process by allowing the database to quickly locate the data that is needed. However, over time, as the database grows and changes, the indexes can become fragmented or outdated, which can significantly slow down query performance. To address this issue, I decided to perform an index analysis and optimization on my special database. This process involved reviewing the current index configuration, identifying any potential issues or inefficiencies, and implementing the necessary changes to improve overall performance. The first…

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That is, a commission on online sales of products or services, a fee for acquiring leads, users, etc. When launching affiliate activities, you should specify what percentage of sales publishers can receive as a commission for completed orders. In this situation, we are guided by margins, the amount of costs that we can invest in activities and other indicators that translate into establishing the terms of cooperation. It is worth noting that in the case of affiliate activities, the cost to income (COS) ratio is a constant element, which allows you to eliminate financial risks and ensure the stability of e-commerce entities. In affiliate marketing in Poland, the most popular billing model is the CPS model. A different partner commission for orders generated New and regular customers, different rates broken down by product types or categories, etc. A slightly less frequently used model is CPL, while CPC / CPI are…

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