Work procedures which tend to be complicated. Likewise, programmers in compiling complex and long script code require team work. Just like Git and GitHub appeared to help the programmer team work in compiling script code . Github Git and GitHub are two platforms founded by one company with the same goals and different features. However, these two platforms really help the programmer’s work in compiling script code as a team. All work can also be monitored and evaluated easily due to the use of system controls. Nowadays, it is almost mandatory for programmers to use both platforms in their work. For more details, first know the meaning of the following two platforms. Understanding A. Version Control System (VCS) Version Control System (VCS) is a system that performs source code management.
Every time you make a revision
To manage changes in every document, computer program, website, and other programming collections. Copy and paste files Figure 1. Before VCS In more detail, you can experience examples of cases that are usually . Carried out by students when working on their thesis. the whatsapp database previous file will not be discarded and will be saved with a different name. Meanwhile, the newest one will be saved under the name; for example “Thesis (2nd Revision)”. This activity will be carried out continuously until in one thesis folder there is a Ms. file . Words in large quantities. This purpose is none other than to store student work history . Until finally the final file was completed with the name “Thesis Alhamdulillah Wis Udah”. This work concept is considered inefficient by many developers because storage capacity will increase.
The concept of storing change records
So the file storage capacity becomes light. commit changing Figure 2. After VCS As in the image above, each manual data change will result in more files . Meanwhile, VCS carries This implemented procedure can help project divisions to monitor and connect ( merge ) between different extensions easily. So tha UK Cell Number applications created by a project team can function without connecting manually. There is a term commit in Git which functions to store a history of changes to data in files . Through commit , developers can return to the previous source code with the term checkout . To operate Git, you need to install the software first so that this work can be done offline ( not connected to the internet). This software is also available for free via the official download website at Git Downloading. C. GitHub Github GitHub is a cloud.