William Bernbach once said a brilliant phrase: “The most powerful element of any advertisement is truth.” Well. yes… You remember Danila Bagrov’s words about “Strength in truth?” No. of course you can object and give me a bunch of examples where advertising openly lies. like some “business coach” who tells various theoretical fables that are in no way connect. to reality. BUT!
Let’s turn on common sense and
Not be like stupid macaques who get indignant at every opportunity.
Do you know what the power of any truth is?
It is difficult to destroy. slander. accuse. etc. No… You can do this if you want. but you ne. to spend a lot more resources than if you li. or did not tell the whole story.
If your courses help you lose poland telegram data 25 kg in 3 months and 100% of your clients can confirm this. then no competitor will be able to launch negative advertising against you and accuse you of lying. because. as they say. you can’t argue with real evidence.
What is the problem with advertising. where does the truth lie?
There are two problems here.
- First . the customer LTV will be very bad. because after 1-2 purchases your customers will simply leave. not receiving the result promis. by the advertisement.
- Second . your reputation european leads will be damag.. which will hinder sales to new customers.
Besides. people develop a “shit detector” over time. This is a kind of intuition about your advertising. where some little thing can give away your lies. For example. one “millionaire business coach” got burn. when someone saw a store tag in his expensive suit in an advertisement. It turn. out that he simply did a photo shoot in a jacket. and then return. it. When they found out. all his cars. houses. etc. were a get interested and get rich or the main secret of sales complete lie. a montage. or just rentals.
What to do if all your competitors are lying?
This is a correct and good question. After all. if you sell PVC windows. where the competition is fierce. then it will definitely be difficult for you to compete with competitors who lie left and right. who promise “delivery the next day. installation in 1 hour. cleanliness and a 30-year guarantee”. while clearly dumping prices.
Well then. There are and will always be liars-Pinocchios. BUT! I am a supporter of long-term business. Therefore!
There is no ne. to compete with obviously false information in advertising. If you see that competitors are generally carri. away by lies about something in advertising. and your offer will simply look worse against their background. then you should simply not mention it.