When we think about how to create a product that will bring us a ton of money. we imm.iately start thinking about promotion. advertising. product quality. its packaging… This is all very. very cool. BUT! Local nuances often become invisible behind global goals. It’s like if a fairy-tale hero set a goal to kick the ass of a bad dragon. but didn’t think about daily training. proper nutrition. and choosing a normal sword instead of a rusty poker behind the house.
Today I will focus on such a
Thing as a local nuance. And this nuance is that your product sells itself.
No. I’m not saying that it won’t ne. to be advertis.. It does! In general. the fairy tale “A good product sells itself” is nonsense of losers and homeless people who believ. in this nonsense. then went broke. and then told how great they were. but their efforts were not appreciat. in the market.
You and I are right and understand that “
A good product ne.s help to sell itself” in any case. And what ne.s to be done for this?
The easiest and fastest way to achieve this is to implement the USP into the product itself. In the name. in the advertising. in the story. in its essence. The main thing is that the USP can be read right away. Then the buyer who accidentally encounter. your product would not have to think long before understanding its essence.
Perhaps the most popular example
Of implementing a USP into a product is M&M’s with the slogan “melts in your mouth. not in your hands.” You remember their stupid ad. right? But we’ve all been brainwash. into thinking that if we want to buy a chocolate bar that won’t melt in our pocket. then what should we buy? Well. you get the idea
It is by this same logic that I nam. our product “VKontakte Target. Advertising Master” . Do you understand? From the name of the product it is already clear what result the training gives. Do you want to become a VKontakte target. advertising master? Then you know what product will help you with this.
There are many such examples in cosmetics. when in the description of some cream something like “made on the basis of rejuvenating fat of the hermit crab” is written. See? The guys thought and implement. the USP into the product. Moreover. this fat may contain 0.001% of the total mass of the cream. but it is there and this already adds weight in the eyes of the buyer.
It doesn’t matter what product you sell. but if you want it to help sell itself. then be sure to implement a USP into it.