Hundr.s of books have been written about positioning. I don’t know why this topic excites book writers so much. because its essence can be describ. quite simply in a few simple articles. But still. the number one book on positioning is. of course. Trout and Ries’s “Positioning. The Battle for Minds.” However. let’s not disturb the marketing grandfathers.
Let’s take a better look at how to build your positioning correctly.
Yes. build it so that you like it.
I am not a supporter of positioning bas. on the principle of “let’s see what’s on the market. and then do the opposite.” This strategy is promot. by many business coaches. but we are smart people and will not listen to those whose business is to palm off bad retellings of marketing books at their seminars.
Let’s go the right way
The way of good. which wil saudi arabia telegram data l bring us lots and lots of money. Agre.? Great!
I once saw 5 keys to correct positioning from Dan Kenn.y. This method is so simple that I want to share it with you right now.
So. let’s get down to business.
First – Clear Focus
By clear focus I mean this. Your positioning should be clear and understandable for others to perceive. For example. in Russia we can take the company “Euroset” as an example. Since its offices are locat. even near an old abandon. dog kennel. we can safely say something like: “Euroset No. 1 in the sale of digital mobile technology in Russia.”
And this positioning is most likely he wants to lie on a cozy quite clear. Guys number 1. If I ne. to change my phone. I will find Euroset. buy a phone and I will have a guarantee throughout Russia.
Unfortunately. most entrepreneurs have no idea what they can focus on or how to brand themselves.
The example with Euroset is quite global. But there are other options. You can be “The fastest delivery”. “The biggest guarantee”. “The longest-legg. waitresses”.
Anything. If you have a clear strong point. then it’s a matter of technique to present it.
Second – Congruence
What do I mean by congruence? I mean that all your activities should be holistic in everything you do. Let me give you an example. I once read an indignant review from a customer of a store selling Apple equipment. The gist of it was this. The customer bought an iPhone of some latest model. but after a couple of months something broke in it. He took it to a service center. And the store european leads guarante. to replace the phone during the repair. This is quite logical. because a phone is a means of communication and leaving a person without it is wrong.
A good solution? If not for one BUT!
The man was given some Chinese push-button phone instead of an iPhone. Not another iPhone. Not a younger model. But a simple Chinese push-button phone.
The question arises. If you specialize in Apple technology. then why the hell are you giving me some cheap Chinese phone? Do you think that a Chinese phone is enough for me?
It’s like if a Lamborghini dealer took a car in for repairs and gave a VAZ 2101 as a replacement.