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Most likely he wants to lie on a cozy

When you read something in physical paper format. you don’t get distract. by all sorts of nonsense.

So. about a year ago. I ask. my club members if they want. to go electronic. It would be cheaper. and I would have less hassle with production. 93% of them said no. They want. to receive the materials on quality paper in physical form.

What would happen if I decid

to “save money” and switch malaysia telegram data  to electronic format? Some of them would simply leave. and the rest would simply be unhappy with my decision.

But the most interesting thing was something else. Almost everyone who is in my mastermind is not some old people. They are 35-45 years old. they are quite active in terms of using electronics and digitize all their work as best they can.

The problem is that. apart from my newsletter

they ignore almost all electronic trainings and materials.

What am I getting at?  5 key steps to money positioning in business There is another tricky and insidious point here that you may not notice. Often people do NOT want what they think.

Someone dreams of a million dollars. a size 5 blonde and a Merc.es S600 Long. The problem is that you won’t sell it to him (or even give it to him as a gift). because dreams and reality are different. sofa with beer and  european leads chips (now do you understand why beer. chips and other junk in advertising use the Luxury style?).

Someone tells you that they dream of learning to play the guitar. but in reality they just want to show off in front of their friends. Don’t sell “Guitar School”. sell “Become the best guitarist in the yard”.

The secret is simple

Understand what your customers want from you. and give it to them again. again and AGAIN!

Few people know. but I have a small newsletter for people whose business earns from $1.000.000 per year. It is a small format of mastermind. where I share with them marketing tips.

This mailing is conduct. in an offline format. I design it as a small magazine and send it to mastermind members by express mail. This is a very convenient format. since the cost of participation in the mastermind is not small. but at the same time electronic formats are often not perceiv. as something serious. You are constantly distract. by various jingles: either someone calls in a messenger. or you see a funny video on a social network. or an urgent e-mail.

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