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Coffee to go business plan:  recruiting staff

R ,uc , traffic. For example!if a coffee shop is locat !in a shopping center, a decline in traffic will be observ , in the summer, when visitors are on vacation and tend to spend more time outside;

Economic crises. During these periods!people’s purchasing power decreases. They visit shopping centers less often and buy more expensive coffee beans in cups less often, preferring to drink cheap instant coffee at home.


Coffee shop

A small takeaway coffee shop  bolivia phone number library does not have tables or seats. Therefore!there is one barista behind the counter who takes orders, records the consumption of products and accepts! deliveries. At the first stages, two baristas working in shifts are enough. Usually, a shift lasts 12 hours, coinciding with the working hours of the shopping center or pavilion where the outlet is locat ,.


Workers often treat the barista position as temporary. To avoid staff turnover in a coffee shop, it is necessary to motivate employees with hourly pay, bonuses and incentives. The bonus portion can be 3-4% of sales if the sales plan is met and work instructions are follow ,.


Examples of logos for a coffee shop

It is also important to come  companies must be able to provide excellent narrative and purchasing experiences up with a company name and make a logo . See examples of coffee shop logos here .


Logo for a coffee shop

Stylish coffee shop logo


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Ilya Lavrov

Product! and graphic designer  global seo work with over 10 years of experience. I write about branding, logo design and business.

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