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Google Analytics is a Real Time

Site statistics web tool from Google. It helps blog owners and bloggers to easily track their site and track how their blog is doing. After you sign up for Google Analytics, Google Analytics will provide you with a code that you must enter on your blog in order for Google Analytics to start tracking your blog. This tutorial will walk you through how to add Google Analytics code to your WordPress blog. You must have a self-hosted blog on WordPress before adding the Google Analytics code to your blog. Since blogs hosted on Word’t have access to.

Adding the Google Analytics code to the header

FTP, and since you don’t have access to your files, you can’t add the Analytics code anywhere unless you have access to your header.php file. Read the Latest Mailing Database guide carefully and make sure you have access to your FTP account. Adding the Google Analytics code to the footer Open your FTP account and navigate to your theme directory like /wp-content/themes/your-theme/ and open the footer.php file . You can already see a bunch of code in the file. Please do not touch any part of the code in the file or it may lead to an error page on your blog. Just copy the code given to you by Google Analytics and paste the code firsttag in the file.

Latest Mailing Database

A simple Google Analytics plugin

You can see the picture for reference. Adding the Google Analytics. Code to the header. You can also include the Google Analytics code in the UK Cell Number header file. To add the Google Analytics code to your WordPress blog header file, navigate to your WordPress theme directory and open the header.php file , then copy the Google Analytics code and paste it into the Tags tab. See picture for reference. A simple Google Analytics plugin If you have trouble adding Google Analytics code to your header or footer, you can use the Simple Google Analytics WordPress Plugin to easily integrate Google Analytics with your blog. This allows you to choose whether you want to add the code to the footer or header.

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