Then. when you ne to get back to work on your project about apples. you’re still thinking about oranges for a while. Meetings leave less time for deep work Meetings can chop up our work day. leaving us with an hour or two here or 20 minutes there to complete our tasks. It takes time for our brains to gain the momentum they ne to handle cognitively challenging tasks like creative work and problem-solving. We ne stretches of uninterrupt time to focus on our most important work. Without time for deep work.
We are less creative and make
Poorer decisions. What are the qualities of a good meeting? Meetings aren’t going anywhere. Sometimes. being able to talk through asia email list ideas and make decisions as a group in a synchronous meeting is the best way to move work forward. Being intentional about when. why. and how you are having meetings will help make your meetings more effective. Good meetings tend to. Have a clear goal and expect outcomes. If you can’t come up with why you’re having a meeting in the first place. it’s best not to schule it all. Be as short as possible.
Not every meeting nes to be an hour
Schule only the time you think you ne to reach your expect outcome. Have the right people in the room. Too many attendees can derail your meeting with side conversations or distractions or. worse. waste someone’s time if they don’t find the discussion valuable. Use async video to make your meetings shorter and more effective There’s no way around it. Running an effective meeting takes planning. but it’s worth it. Leveraging asynchronous forms of communication like video messages can help you make the most of the synchronous UK Cell Number time you have with your team. When you’re meeting with a group to brainstorm or make a decision.