there’s usually some context. history. or essential information that will help inform the discussion. Don’t wait until your meeting starts to share that information! If you have slides. data. or examples you want to share with your attendees. fire up a screen capture app like Snagit and walk through the information just as you would during your meeting. You don’t ne professional video experience. either. With Snagit.
You can record your camera.
Microphone. and screen at the same time to create shareable videos in minutes. Pro tip. Use Snagit’s Screen Draw feature to highlight areas of europe email list your screen while you record your videos to emphasize important information. Your attendees will have more time to digest the information and form opinions or questions. encouraging them to participate in the discussion. Plus. you’re saving the time you would have spent presenting this information at the top of the meeting.
A flow chart to help you decide
If you should schule a meeting. If you ne input from others to make a decision and expect many questions or discussions. you should schule a meeting. Do not schule a meeting if you’re only sharing background or updating UK Cell Number someone on your decision. Types of meetings you can replace with async video Sometimes. the most productive way to run a meeting is not to schule one at all. That’s right! Many of the meetings we attend are schul out of habit. and it’s a pattern we ne to break. Informational meetings