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Real-Time Bidding for Programmatic Ads — Here’s How It Works

Written by: Martina Bretous


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As a marketing leader with experience at several different tech companies, I’ve become an expert at real-time bidding (RTB) for programmatic ads.


This process is often one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to purchase ad inventory online.

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But, even for experienced marketers, real-time bidding can be confusing. That’s why I wrote this article: to break down what RTB is, how iraq telegram data it works, and the pros and cons of using it — in plain, jargon-free English.

Table of Contents

      • What is real-time bidding?
      • Real-Time Bidding Terms to Know
      • How does real-time bidding work?
      • How much does real-time bidding cost?
      • How to Measure the Success of Real-Time Bidding Ads
      • Real-Time Bidding Platforms
      • Real-Time Bidding Pros
      • Real-Time Bidding Cons
      • Let’s get started.



In a traditional media buying process, the marketer has to buy ads manually.

Let’s say I find a magazine that serves my buyer persona. I ask the magazine publisher for their media kit, I choose the ad dimensions that fit my budget, and then I buy an ad for a certain amount of time. Once the time runs out, the ad is taken down.

Real-time bidding eliminates most of that the most idiotic business mistake imaginable work. With RTB, you can get space in that magazine — and hundreds of others — by letting a Demand-Side Platform (DSP) automatically choose the best publishers and ad spaces, and then bid on them for you.

You just set targeting parameters, such united states of america email lead as maximum bid price and target audience. Then, the DSP uses these parameters to automatically determine where your ads are placed.

If you place the highest bid, the publisher accepts your ad automatically. Real-time bidding does all the bidding for you, so you don’t have to take any additional steps.


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