There is another sub-technique in the Upsell technology called One Time Offer. What is it? In fact, it is the simplest way to organize an additional sale.
It is most often used online
But it has its place in offline business as well. Let’s look at how it works.
For example, you sell books online. A person puts books in a basket, adds books via Upsell that are interesting to read along with the ordered ones and pays the bill. Usually, after paying the bill, the person gets to a special page where it says: “Thank you for your purchase. We hope that you will like our books.”
Do you understand what’s happening? No?
What happens is this. An entire page on the site that people who already trust you and pay you money for it go to disappears. And instead you just say “Thank you.”
If you work smart, you new zealand telegram data can add another Upsell to this page, which is called One Time Offer, which translates as “One-time offer”.
Why is the offer one-time?
The thing is that, as a rule, the page where the system thanks a person for a purchase is unique for each user. It is generated dynamically. Accordingly, this page cannot be added to the browser bookmarks and returned to at any other time. That is why OTO is placed on this page. The client can use it here and now, or never use it again (or until the next purchase).
Naturally, this needs to be written on the page.
In this regard, the Yandex this is what happens if you lie in advertising Money service is good, when after paying the bill, you are offered a coupon for something useful. For example, a few minutes sault data on Skype or a discount in some store. This offer cannot be obtained just like that. It is shown only on the page of successful payment of the Yandex Money system.