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What to do with all these techniques?

All these techniques can be implement. in any business. Moreover. they should be us. together. The thing is that different clients can use your additional offer at different stages. Someone will refuse a more expensive purchase and Downsell to a cheaper one. Someone will first buy something on the offer of a one-click Upsell technique. and then use the One Time Offer. And someone will ignore everything and just buy the product.

In any case. remember that any

Upsell is a complimentary offer that helps the client solve his problems. and is not impos. on him for the sake of increasing your profits.

Well. remember that in general in this guide I do not differentiate between all these types of techniques and everywhere I write only the word Upsell.

Sales Funnel


If you look at the root. then Upsell techniques are only a part of your sales. Why a part? Obviously. they are design. to complement the main  mexico telegram data purchases of your clients. which means they are part of the entire sales system. I call it a sales funnel. What is a sales funnel and what role do Upsell techniques play in it?

Let’s look at this in more detail.

In general. a sales funnel is a chain that turns a Lead into a Potential Client. A Potential Client into a Client. A Client into a Regular Client. To make it more clear. I have made a small visual .ucational program for you. which schematically depicts the path from Lead to Regular Client.

At the top of the funnel. we have the so-call. Leads. These are people who are interest. in your products or services. but are not yet ready to buy them. These are website subscribers. people who inquire about your offer by phone or who have visit. the store. There are most of them in the funnel. Not all of them are really interest. in your offers. Some came by chance. some came but did not figure out where. and some really came to buy something. but for some reason did not find what they ne.. from you.

Next in the hierarchy are  we implement the usp into the product itself and rake in money Potential Clients. These are people who are interest. in buying something from you. There are fewer of them than Leads. but more than Clients. Why doesn’t everyone become Clients? The reasons are different again. Some are ready to buy. but later. some are not ready to give as much money as you ask. some have chang. their minds.

The next step is already those  sault data who gave you money – Clients. These are people who decid. to buy something from you and paid you money. This is the key difference between them and Potential Clients. A Potential Client may well decide to buy something from you. but will delay payment. Until he pays you. he does not become a Client.

And at the bottom of the funnel is the smallest group – Regular customers. These are those who bought from you more than once. These are people who were satisfi. with the cooperation with you and are ready to buy from you constantly.

As you can see. the funnel is call.

A funnel precisely because it decreases from top to bottom. And no business can turn all Leads into Potential Clients.

But the good news for you is that with the help of marketing you can easily play with conversion. making the angle of the funnel smaller and smaller. The smaller the angle of the funnel. the more Leads you will convert into Potential Clients.

To r.uce the angle of the funnel

You should use various types of metrics that allow you to count the number of people who leave at each stage of the funnel and take actions to r.uce the number of people who leave.

Various statistical systems are us. as a tool on the Internet. The most popular are Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics. Offline. this is more difficult to do and often different systems have to be us. to aggregate data.


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