It could be an inconvenient website interface, where users don’t understand how to find and pay for the product they need. Perhaps you don’t have a form of payment that would suit the client. For example, once in Minsk I wanted to attend a seminar by a business trainer, but the company that organized it couldn’t provide me with payment by card. It was inconvenient for me to go to the bank and pay, so it turned out to be easier to buy a ticket to Moscow, paying for the same seminar there by card.
Check all points of contact with the client
An unclear advertisement or a poorly written commercial offer can alienate part of the audience. An incomplete description of the product’s functions is a common reason for many Leads to “drop out”. Incorrect communication on the phone, an unpleasant voice, an inability to answer questions – all this takes your money away from you.
It is important to understand that the
More complex your business is, the more points of contact a person has with you. And malaysia telegram data each point of contact affects the angle of the funnel.
I learned an important equation back at university. There is such a thing as the Coefficient of Performance (COP). You have probably heard of it. It shows how efficiently a system works. The closer this coefficient is to 100%, the better.
So the formula for the efficiency of the system was equal to the product of the efficiency of all its components.
For example, if there are 2 system nodes
Operating with an efficiency of 90%, then their product will give 81%. And if there are 5. 5 key steps to money positioning in business Nodes in the system with an efficiency of 90%, then the efficiency of the system decreases to 59%. And if 10 nodes in the system have an efficiency of 100%, and the last one has only 10%, then the efficiency of the system will be 10%.
In other words, if you have. Excellent advertising, a beautiful website, any form of payment and accept orders well, but your courier always screws up sault data with delivery, then your entire business will be based on the. Clumsy courier Everything else will simply not matter.. Everything else will simply not matter. The funnel cannot expand. You need to remember this.