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Museology what it is and where to become an expert

Museology is the science that studies the history and artifacts created by humans as a form of expression of their culture. So, if you are passionate about art, history and museums, this discipline could be your future field of work. And we are going to talk about this in this post, getting to know this branch of the humanities in depth. Also, remember that you can train as a museologist through the master ‘s degree in museum management . Follow us! Table of contents [ hide ] 1 What is museology? 1.1 Difference between museology and museography 2 What elements comprise museology? 2.1 Public 2.2 Planning 2.3 Architectural structure 2.4 Content 4 Study the Esneca master’s degree in museology.

What is museology?

Museology is the science that focuses on museums , dedicating itself to the conservation, study and exhibition of objects and artifacts considered to be of historical, artistic or cultural interest. This branch of the humanities examines the history of museums, the resources used to catalogue Brazil Phone Numbers objects and the techniques used to ensure their conservation. Thus, this discipline arises from the capacity and need that man has to store and care for the goods that have been and are the cultural property of society, turning museums into an educational and informative space . Difference between museology and museography Although closely related, museology and museography are two disciplines with some important differences.

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Below, we indicate which ones they are Public

On the one hand, deals with the functioning of a museum , that is, it is the science that studies the history and purpose of a museum, as well as the function it has in society and the different methods of research, conservation, organization and education. Instead, museography includes Cambodia Phone Number List a series of techniques and practices that affect the administration, architecture and order of museum facilities. What elements comprise? Initially, what gave meaning to museums were the collections themselves, but over time the idea of ​​a museum-container evolved to become a public cultural service . This incorporates components that today are essential for the proper functioning of a cultural space such as a museum.

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