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Then use them in Different places in the Theme

 Make each heading, size, distinguishable so that the content hierarchy is easy to understand. “ minor ” text correctly defines the typesetting and style of text such as buttons, forms, menus, etc. It should not be in a different font than paragraphs and title fonts, but you can resize and vary them so that they are distinguishable and easy to read. Shoot the most commonly used typefaces as I told you a few paragraphs ago, you should decide the font based on two main styles: serif fonts and sans serif fonts.

To have more space to work

 Now I will show you the type of fonts most used and recommended in new database these two web design styles. Basque Ville cormorant Garamond Laura marten Meriwether note liners playa playa playa playa playa robot board source serif professional version sans serif type alto Montserrat noto iii soared bop ins smoothie railway road roberto examples of websites that make the most of fonts in order to complete this article, I will show you some web templates that use a good combination of fonts:

In the upper right part we will have

Farm title: show paragraph: red hat show UK Cell Number influencer title: Montserrat( extra bold) paragraphs: Montserrat( conventional) care title: master paragraph: spa title: show paragraph: fire brigade title: ( in) paragraphs: <tag1>: now, yes, we’ve finished and provided a series of tips to summarize all that I’ve just provided you: use only typefaces: one for headings, one for paragraphs. Do not choose too fancy fonts. They have a variety of styles to play“. At least a different style.

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