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What does the website ne to have to achieve this

The point is that your digital touchpoint nes to deliver results, It nes to be a sales channel, Having a website and it not generating any results is the same thing as opening a store and not working to ensure it receives customers, So, avoid making a website just for the sake of it, The purpose of a website and a blog is to generate results, Whether they are a return on sales or a return on the brand, 1,3, When to invest: The scenarios that require investment in a website are as follows: your company does not have a website; the site is bad and/or does not generate results, But wait, before you go spending your money , ask a few questions first.

With these answers you avoid creating

Who will access this site? What are this person’s interests and pains? How will my company monetize (generate results) with the website? What does the website ne to have to achieve this success? What is the indicator of this success? With these answers, you avoid creating a useless website, which is just a virtual pamphlet and which ignores all the potential that the online environment brings, And, in the same special data  way, your company already establishes an expectation regarding the result, in order to justify the investment in this new channel, 1,4, How to measure the result.

That said a tool like Google will offer

 The first thing that nes to be emphasiz regarding the website is that it nes to be monitor, Cases are not uncommon where companies have had websites for several years and they have no idea of ​​how many visits the website receives and also do not have any tool install to pull this and other information, It’s worth remembering that Google Analytics is free, and very easy to apply to your website, That said, a tool like Google will offer a multitude of indicators that can be monitor, For this reason, your company nes to first define what it expects from the website: sales? visibility? If sales, measure: conversions on the website (forms, links, etc,); conversion rate (conversions on accesses); pages that convert the most; type of traffic that converts the most (organic, paid, email, social, etc,), If it’s visibility, you can measure: total  UK Cell Numbr accesses; origin of accesses; time on page; most access pages; bounce rate.

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