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El Chupete 2022 announces its short list

El Chupete, the International Children’s Communication Festival. Announced this morning the nominees for its awards. In this latest edition, 65 pieces presented have managed to pass the jury’s cut and find a place on the short list. According to Christian Haltermann. Director of El Chupete, and Rodrigo Ron, who has taken over as Honorary President since this month. The participating agencies have presented work of “very high quality. Until then, El Chupete shares the names of those nominated works that opt for a metal.

These are the finalists of the El Chupete awards

These are the finalists industry email list of the El Chupete awards. Branded Content “Children’s story Berta and medical research” by ADN Comunicación for Novartis “MOTHERS” Every shot tells a story. Arnold Madrid for Danone “Muchoyo. Therefore, childhood has a voice” by Muchoyó for Aldeas Infantiles “Treat me well” from Siberia for Turrones Picó “Beat the King.  CLV for PlayStation Social Campaig. Parents and children agreement” by Prodigioso Volcán for Levanta la Cabeza “Adolescence. PINK for FAD VMLY&R Health “Ban Cancer” for Bristol Myers-Squibb.

Rebuild the World of El Chupete 

Bye Bye Quimio” by Fundación Juegaterapia “Horseback riding. Wish granted” by Isobar for the Aladina Foundation LEGO “International Girls’ Day” “Bullying UK Cell Number Doesn’t Paint Anything. Flash 2 Flash for Fundación Mutua Madrileña & Disney “Children of Sugar. VMLY&R Health for the Ministry of Consumer Affairs “Playing Together” by Miniland “LEGO from A to Z” by LEGO “Muchoyo. “Childhood has a voice” by Muchoyó for Aldeas Infantiles “#NoLeDesAlCoco” by PINK for FAD “#OjosAbiertos” by PINK for FAD “Princesses” from the Juegaterapia Foundation “Enhanced Reality” by Havas Media for the A.Bosch Foundation, the Aladina Foundation and the Small Foundation “Repeat after me: I am unique” by BBDO & Proximity for ColaCao “TEO discovers cancer” by Rosaparks for Bayer

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